Climate & Ecological Emergency Committee Newsletter August 2023

Climate & Ecological Emergency Committee Newsletter August 2023 image

Hello people of Woodbridge and beyond; people of the Deben estuary

After our shockingly hot June, the summer was not particularly challenging here in East Anglia though many areas across the world continued to experience floods, wildfires and further record-breaking heat. As tree warden for Woodbridge and Melton it was a relief for me - after June - to allow the many saplings planted locally to ‘do their own thing’ with nature taking care of the watering. Their roots will be more established and better prepared for whatever extremes we encounter next summer.

The CEEC are considering a campaign “bring back trees to the avenues”. Warwick and Edwin Avenues have steadily lost their avenue appearance; trees ageing and being removed without replacement and their places in the pavements tarmacked over. The obstacles for a full restoration of the tree-lined streets are too many for WTC to take on, and that idea may not be welcomed by all residents anyway. So, we intend to offer - to those who express an interest - a free tree for planting in their garden. Watch out for the “bring back the trees to the avenues” campaign leaflets. Depending upon outcomes this offer may be extended elsewhere in future autumns, but it’s great to be starting in this area of the town.

The WTC sponsored ebike hire scheme has received enthusiastic feedback from satisfied customers, though the uptake is slow. I’ve not found time yet to test ride the service, so I asked Tom from virtue bikes (with whom we have partnered to provide this sponsored service) for copy to share in this article to reassure us of the ease of hiring. See below:

Discover the convenient and eco-friendly way to explore Woodbridge with Virtue Electric Bikes and the Woodbridge Town Council smartphone app. With just a few easy steps, you can join our hassle-free hire scheme and enjoy the freedom of electric biking. Simply download the app, provide your details and email over proof of address, or visit us at Virtue Electric Bikes @ 6a Thoroughfare. Once set up, all you need to do is approach the bike you want, unlock it with a tap, and off you go! With a range of up to 60 miles, you can go anywhere and experience the joy of a fun day out or a quick trip to the shop or supermarket. Stay active, save the environment, and have a blast with Virtue Electric Bikes WTC in Woodbridge!

Think global, act local was a phrase often heard in the 70’s as environmental awareness began to grow. It highlights the importance of timely local grassroots action rather than waiting for the ‘powers that be’ to do what we think they should do. Various countries worldwide have banned the so-called disposable, child-friendly vapes. Perhaps the UK will … eventually?

Currently 1.3m single-use vapes are thrown away every week in the UK, according to recycling group Material Focus. When littered, they can leach dangerous metals, battery acid, and nicotine into the environment. Plus, each vape contains on average 0.15g of lithium, which equates to 10 tonnes thrown away over a year in the UK – enough to make around 1,200 electric car batteries.

We hope to discuss this recent newspaper article at our next meeting and consider what we can do to discourage the sales of these in and around Woodbridge. Globally speaking, lithium is a valuable and diminishing resource, the mining of which devastates ecologically valuable areas of wilderness previously managed by indigenous peoples. (and guess who then become miners?). Locally speaking - it’s our very own littered streets, and our very own children’s ‘popcorn’ lungs and early onset nicotine addiction. 

Always good to hear back from you?

Councillor Martin Wilks, CEEC

PS. Pass it on




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